• (808) 845-6221
  • darolee@hoeisf.com
  • 2181 Lauwiliwili Street Kapolei, HI 96707
  • 2181 Lauwiliwili Street Kapolei, HI 96707
  • (808) 845-6221
  • darolee@hoeisf.com

Drive-Thru to Beat the Flu & Covid-19 – 10/2/21

In anticipation of an active flu season amidst a global pandemic, the Hawaii State AFL-CIO’s Labor Community Services Program, My Health Solutions, and partners have once again organized a drive-thru vaccination clinic.  It will be held at Kaka’ako Waterfront Park on Saturday, October 2, 2021, from 8 a.m.-12:00 p.m.  500 flu shots have been purchased by LCSP for those who are uninsured and DOH will use Kaiser to administer Covid19 vaccinations. Both vaccinations will be offered to support those with or without insurance. Immunizing as many persons as possible against influenza during this pandemic could help reduce some of the demands our hospital systems are experiencing. Please see the attached for you to post on social media or your websites and get the word out of this free benefit to your membership.

Participants in cars are asked to enter the event from Ward Avenue and Ala Moana Boulevard.  Walk-ups are allowed.  All participants must wear a face mask and bring these items to receive your flu and/or Covid19 shot.  Drive-The to Beat the Flu & Covid-19 clinic is open to everyone with or without insurance. 

Completing the consent forms and providing the photocopies before arriving at the events will help to expedite the process.

The flu shots will be provided on a first-come-first-served basis until supplies last.

  1. Completed FLU and/or COVID19 Vaccination Questionnaire and Consent Form
  2. Photocopy of your Government-issued ID and Medical Insurance (if you have insurance)
  3. Must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian if under 18 years of age
  4. COVID19 shot record (if you have received previous doses of Pfizer or Moderna)

The following criteria must be met for the following vaccinations:

  •  3 years or older for flu shots 
  • 12 years and older for Pfizer-BioNTech (Comirnaty) covid19 shot: 2nd dose given 3 weeks after 1st, *booster (*will be based on current CDC guidelines) given 8 months after 2nd dose
  • 18 years and older for Moderna covid19 shot: 2nd shot given 4 weeks days after 1st dose, *booster (*will be based on current CDC guidelines) given 8 months after 2nd dose
  • 18 years and older for Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) covid19 shot: 1 dose

This clinic is brought to you thanks to a partnership between the Hawai’i State AFL-CIO’s Labor Community Services Program and My Health Solutions.  Additional assistance was provided by sponsors: Accredo, Evergreen Adult Day Care Center, HOME Project, HMSA Hawai’i, JABSOM, Kaiser Permanente, Palama Super Market, and Safety Systems. Please contact My Health Solutions for additional medical information relating to this clinic at (808) 294-1399 or myself on all other questions.

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